Every event is different, every guest is special. Our extensive catalogue of musical styles has been created after many years of work, and is designed to help you find the style that best suits your event, what you want to communicate and the sensations you want to convey.


Saxophone, piano, electric violin, Spanish guitar solo or accompanied by singers and/or DJs


Music and shows for children: pop-rock bands, jazz, “batucada”, rhythm games, singing games, didactic concerts...


We create a story around music through performances: dancers, acrobats, jugglers, air, fire or water shows. Dancer led, giant robots. We create choreographies and costumes for your event.


Instrumental and singing jazz bands, in the formation you need: from trio to big band


The most romantic music for your event, in the formation you need: from duo to big band


Established artists

Hiring of well-known national and international artists for your event



Flamenco, Cabaret, Burlesque, “Batucada”... everything you can imagine



The best ranchers for a perfect party. Various formats



The musical style that is on everyone's lips. In English or Spanish


Latin Music

Salsa, Bossa Nova, Son Cubano, Merengue, Tango, Samba...


The most elegant and moving music for the most important day of your life. Wide repertoire and training on demand, both vocal and instrumental: from duets, trios and quartets to choirs or orchestra ensembles


Instrumental music

The best musicians playing well-known songs and film soundtracks


Tell us what are you looking for,
we'll create it for you

While you think about it, enjoy this most demanded musical selection from our artists. And if you are looking for another style, ask us and we will display our extensive catalogue that includes all the options you can imagine and some that, for sure, we will discover.